Tuesday, May 21st, 10:45 am to 12:00 pm

C1   Life Changing Choices: How Shifting Mental Models in Child Welfare Can Lead to Transformative Impact REPEATED IN "D" GROUP OF WORKSHOPS
Don Wells, Chief Empowerment Officer
Irving Chavez, Chief Impact officer
Caitlin Radigan, Engagement & Empowerment Manager 
Diane Cox, Chief Sustainability Officer  
James Hidds-Monroe, Impact Measurement Strategist 
Nathaniel Martinez, Associate Director of Youth Services 
Simone Hidds-Monroe, Chief Advocacy & Community Empowerment Officer
Just in Time for Foster Youth (JIT) Organization

The child welfare system is NOT broken. Our session will build on this recognition as the key to significantly improving outcomes for young people impacted by foster care. Rather than focusing energy attempting to reform systems that operate as originally designed, we’ll explore an alternative approach that has delivered positive measurable impact for more than a decade. We will compare and contrast seven essential Choices that determine critical decisions about policy and practice: what we believe about the youth we serve, how we set our intentions for them, what we build to fulfill our promise, how we evaluate and improve our efforts, and the lasting impact we can expect to achieve as we truly partner with the youth we serve and sustain those efforts. In the process, you will acquire new perspectives that allow powerful questions and crucial conversations that can replace historically negative outcomes with empowerment and life satisfaction.

C2   Navigating Education in Residential Care: Insights from a Southwest Ohio CRP Project
Sarah Parmenter, MSW, LSW, CRP Project Manager, The Ohio State University
Susan Yoon, PhD, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University
Katie Maguire Jack, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Michigan
Yujeong Chang, Doctoral Student, The Ohio State University
Deanna Harold, MS, Human Services Developer, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services

More than 50,000 youth in the United States are currently placed in a residential care setting who have been removed from their primary caregivers, and many have undergone several previous out-of-home placements. The needs of these children are often more than what a traditional public-school setting can offer and most young people who transition to these facilities have an existing individualized education plan (IEP), which often indicates a need for more complex educational services. In this workshop, we will discuss the unique educational needs of youth in residential facilities and what barriers there may be. You will  learn about potential solutions to address the gap in services for youth and there will be time for the group to brainstorm additional solutions.

C3   The importance of Collaboration in our Wyoming CAPTA work
Bryan Cook, Executive Director, Wyoming Citizen Review Panel
Sarah Urbanek, Panel Secretary, Wyoming Citizen Review Panel

Wyoming has a very small population, which is spread out into rural pockets and population centers.  In this presentation, we will teach you how we successfully collaborate and advocate for our youth and families in order to complete our CAPTA and CJA work. We will specifically describe creative ways we have partnered with our state agency in our CAPTA work, and our CJA Task Force, including a highlight of our collaboration is our work to develop the Wyoming Youth Advisory Council over the last few years.

C4   CRP Have To Do What?  Where Do They Begin?
Deb Farrell, Chair, NCRP Advisory Board, Vice President, Care Solutions, Inc.

CAPTA sets high expectations for ‘volunteer’ groups charged with evaluating their state’s child protection efforts.  How successful their efforts will be depend on how a focus (the what) is identified and selected (the why), and the approach taken to evaluate ‘it’ (the how) and produce recommendations that will make a difference.  If your panel serves a dual role, it can be even more challenging – serving two masters doesn’t have to be twice the work!  Let’s talk!
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