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The Transition Age Youth Conference is a two-day event that will be held on March 2-3, 2020 at the Pacific Palms Resort in City of Industry.  The conference will bring together transition age youth and professionals from across the state for collaboration and learning opportunities.

We selected this theme because, like superheroes, our youth overcome adversity to discover their potential.  As with superheroes, youth need a web of support to help them succeed, whether it be a trusted friend, mentor, resource family, or extended family-members.

Thus, this year’s conference theme is “Creating a Web Self-Sufficiency, Stability, and Support.”

The web is a creative force that allows the youth to thrive when the three concepts interconnect. Self-Sufficiency provides youth the skills necessary to live independently. Stability in one’s emotional, physical, and mental health can lead to greater outcomes. Support provides the feeling of safety which encourages youth to have new experiences and expand their horizons. These three concepts are pivotal in youth and young adults achieving successful independence.
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